Oregon Waterfowls blog header

Oregon Swans, Ducks and Geese

Including Cormorants and Grebes

Photos captured in Western Oregon

Tundra Swans - landing
Tundra Swans - landing

Tundra Swans - couples
Tundra Swans - couples

Tundra Swans taking to flight Tundra Swans

Tundra Swans in flight
Tundra Swans - couple

Cinnamon Teal - male
Cinnamon Teal - male

Northern Pintail - male
Northern Pintail - male

Northern Pintail coupleNorthern Pintail - couple

Common Merganser - male
Common Merganser - male

Common Merganser - male
Common Merganser - male

Common Merganser - female
Common Merganser - female

Northern Shoveler - male
Northern Shoveler - male

Northern Shoveler - couple in flight
Northern Shoveler - couple

Pigeon Guillemot Pigeon Guillemot

Bufflehead - male
Bufflehead - male

Bufflehead - couple taking off
Bufflehead - couple

Double-crested Cormorant - nonbreedingDouble-crested Cormorant - nonbreeding

Double-crested Cormorant - nonbreeding
Double-crested Cormorant - nonbreeding

Double-crested Cormorant - nonbreeding
Double-crested Cormorant - nonbreeding

Gadwall - male
Gadwall - male

Gadwall - couple
Gadwall - couple

Goldeneye - male
Goldeneye - male

Blue-winged Teal - male
Blue-winged Teal - male

Green-winged Teal - male
Green-winged Teal - male

Green-winged Teal - male
Green-winged Teal - male

Green-winged Teal - couple
Green-winged Teal - couple

Redhead duck - male
Redhead - male

Redhead  duck couple
Redhead - couple

Canvasback - male
Canvasback - male

Hooded Merganser male
Hooded Merganser - male

Hooded Merganser - couple
Hooded Merganser - couple

Ring-necked Duck - male
Ring-necked Duck - male

Ring-necked Ducks - couple
Ring-necked Duck - couple

Greater Scaup - male
Greater Scaup - male

Greater Scaup - couple
Greater Scaup - couple

Lesser Scaup - male
Lesser Scaup - male

Pied-billed Grebe  American Coot
Pied-billed Grebe                                         American Coot

Ruddy Duck male
Ruddy Duck - male

Red-necked Grebe - nonbreeding
Red-necked Grebe - nonbreeding

Western Grebe
Western Grebe

American Wigeon - male
American Wigeon - male

American Wigeon - couple
American Wigeon - couple

Eurasian Wigeon
Eurasian Wigeon

Mallard - male in flight
Mallard - male

Mallard - couple
Mallard - couple

Wood Duck - male
Wood Duck - male

Wood Duck - male
Wood Duck - male

Wood Ducks - couple
Wood Duck - couple

Snow Geese
Snow Geese

Snow Geese flock in flight
Snow Geese

White-fronted Geese
White-fronted Geese

Canada Goose Family
Canada Goose Family

Cackling Geese in flight
Cackling Geese

 Archival art prints in sizes up to 24x36" available of most images

Please email us for questions or comments: info@DurlandPhotoArt.com

Copyright Sven Durland Photography